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discover and align with you soul's true path

ABOUT          OFFERINGS           WHAT'S IKIGAI?         DETAILS          APPLY          CONTACT

for helpers, healers, creators and soulpreneurs in the Hamilton Ontario area

your calling awaits

what this life changing experience is all about


Do you know what your ikigai, your dharma, your raison d'être is?

Do you feel the pull to do what you're most passionate about but have a hard time expressing what exactly that is?


Ikigai Illumination is a 3 month in person and online self-discovery

to help you offer your gifts back to the world!

Unlock your 

authentic self 

to do what you

This program is for YOU if you're ready to :


walk the path of your creative authenticity

discover what your 'thing' is

move past blocks that prevent you from walking you true path

get clear on your story and purpose in this world

develop the confidence to do what you love

create your unique dreams, not someone else's 


This program is NOT for you if :


you want to copy what other entrepreneurs are doing

you want to pretend to be someone you're not

you just want to make quick money without making changes

you're not interested in connecting to your soul's purpose

you're not ready to be your most divine authentic self


shiny offerings

what you'll receive with this package

Image by Åžahin YeÅŸilyaprak

A Japanese word with no direct english translation.
Combining the Japanese words:


meaning life


meaning value or worth


is essentially about finding your purpose in life


"Ikigai can be translated as "a reason for being" – the thing that gets you out of bed each morning," Héctor García, the co-author of Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, wrote in The Guardian.


What's ikigai?


It’s easiest to think about ikiagi as an intersection, the common ground between:


What you love

What you care about

What the world needs

What you can get paid for


Ikigai has a few essential qualities that separate it from the “follow your passion” as we conceive of it in Western culture:


  • It’s challenging. Your ikigai should lead to mastery and growth.

  • It’s your choice. You feel a certain degree of autonomy and freedom pursuing your ikigai.

  • It involves a commitment of time and belief, perhaps to a particular cause, skill, trade, or group of people.

  • It boosts your well-being. Ikigai is associated with positive relationships and good health. It gives you more energy than it takes away.


In some sense, an ikigai can serve as a compass to navigate both career and life decisions, which it seems people crav now more than ever.


20% of millennials and 21% of Gen-X’s  say that doing work they are passionate about is an important long-term goal.


One international study found that that people who have a sense of purpose in life are at lower risk of death and heart disease. Why? Researchers found that those who feel purpose often have healthier lifestyles. They are more motivated and resilient, which protects them from stress and burnout.

program details

details about the juicy goodness

Quest to Confidence Program

Online course designed to enhance your confidence 

26 week (6 month) online program designed to help enhance your self-worth and self-esteem​


  • Develop self-love and expand it outwards

  • Discover your hero story, your archetype, super powers & magical gifts

  • Eliminate narrative blocks

  • Release deep rooted shame, blame, jealousy and anger

  • Re-connect with your inner child and bring them out to play in a new world of imagination

  • Gain clarity on the next steps of your journey

  • Create a powerful manifestation rituals to help you attract what you desire in the personal and professional realms (friends, love, work and beyond! )

  • Open a portal to a whole new world

  • Connect more deeply to the spirit realm

  • Confidently see yourself as an adventurer on this epic journey through life

  • Understand your life purpose and discover your unique gifts that you want to offer the world


Counselling Sessions

in person counselling with a registered social worker, psychotherapist, animist practitioner 

I will work with you in discovering what is holding you back from achieving your dreams and putting yourself out there into the world. Together we will unveil and shift you blocks, allowing you to offer yourself greater compassion. Understanding your story is also a key component when it comes to the work you offer. We are shifting into an era where people values stories and authenticity. Getting clear on your own personal journey will help you in sharing why your work matters so people can more easily connect to your message.

Gifted & Guided Drum Journeys

tune into the spirit realm for guidance 

Hearing the rhythm of a heart beat is the first sensory experience we have as humans in he womb. The drum is like this heart beat. Drum journeys are used to help us tune into the realm of spirit and dreams. The rhythm of the drum changes our brain waves into a theta wave state.  This particular frequency range is involved in daydreaming and sleep. Theta waves are connected to us experiencing and feeling deep and raw emotions. Theta waves can help improve our intuition, creativity, and makes us feel more connected to our natural self.

It is also involved in restorative sleep. As long as theta isn’t produced in excess during our waking hours, it is a very helpful brain wave range.


When I journey for you, I tune into a world metaphors that I bring back to support you on your journey.


I will also drum for you an support you in tuning into your own inner wise self, your guides and guidance from source.

Card Readings

for guidance and unearthing the subconscious

Card readings are a useful tool to tune us into the magical and subconscious realm. We'll use readings to connect with our intuition and to seek guidance from the mystical mysterious.

Support from Source, the Universe, Your guides

devine guidance

I'll support you in learning to ask the universe for support and then flowing with the guidance of source. I wouldn't be where I am now without connecting with spirit and so this is a vey powerful and important part of the process. We'll explore the art of manifesting and get playful and imaginative about all that will be!

Energy Attunement

energy session to align you to your path

Using a combination of Reiki, Aqualead and my own channeled energy healing techniques to harmonize you with your authentic self. I'll be attuning you to your new vision! Our vibrational frequency is key when it comes to stepping into our truth and manifesting our desires!

Authentic Makeover And Photoshoot

by a makeup artist/sylist and photographer

Evolve into your true self! You'll receive a makeover and styling by a stylist and makeup artist to accentuates what's already beautiful about you. It's all about drawing out and highlighting  your unique essence, not being like someone else. After your makeover we'll do a photoshoot with a photographer to capture your new found ikigai and the services you offer. These photos can be used for showing off your epicness on social media!

Online Presence Makeover

create or

re-vamp your website, social media + advertisement creation

After you get clear on your purpose, it's time to show off your awesomeness!

I'll work with you to help you re-vamp your social media using an ad we create together and the photos from your photo shoot!

I'll also help you either create a website or makeover and existing one to reflect your new branding and story. Since so much advertising takes place online now, we want your online presence to show people how awesome you an your services are!


about me

about your guide on this adventure


Greetings! My name is Chauntell, also known as Enchaunti.

I'm a registered social worker, psychotherapist, animist practitioner and believer in dreams!


I've spent my whole life trying to figure out what my own ikigai is and then I had an 'aha!' moment! My ikigai is to help other people discover their ikigai!


Enchaunti Waroway​





Office Location

Hamilton Ontario

Hamilton Centre for Personal Development

430 York Blvd

Hamilton, Ontario

Contact Me

500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158  |  Tel: 123-456-7890

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